

Take a step back and observe

the creation and beauty around.

Time projects forward and cannot be reversed

Our daily activities create bountiful sounds

Filled with boldness and determination

That sometimes we get enslaved in our goals

and lack companionship and communication.

Kindness is the greatest gift to share with all.

Not necessarily giving of material things

but something profound in our psychic intellects

Our daily duties have created a thin

pathway to embrace one another with kindness.

What shall we die for? Is it fame and fortune?

Is it love and kindness? Is it endless

cry around the world for peace? Or ruins

of the past that are still plaguing

our societies.  Kindness begets

a glorifying future that we may not yet understand,

or perhaps we do, but our approach is nonchalant.

We are one in all and all in one.

3 thoughts on “Kindness

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