like twins we moved

at peace with the best of them,

but different from the rest of them.

fathered by the same father,

carried in the womb by different mothers.

we had dreams of being the best,

determined to pass any test.

like twins we moved;

sharing the same things from toys to shoes.

a brother in my heart,

never thought I’d see you depart.

sixteen years flew by,

but I remember that particular night sky.

the cold filled the air;

the clouds paused to stare.

the curtains obeyed the wind

as I stood paralyzed by a sting.

i dropped not a tear,

but felt the room boiled with fear.

the unavoidable has spread its gloom:

death has taken you too.

but why so young? I asked.

an unanswered question floats through time.

seasons come and go,

still I think of you as I grow old.